Aura Minerals


Here, sustainability is divided into 4 fronts, forming the acronym EESG (Employees, Environment, Social and Governance), prioritizing our employees in the organizational strategy.

Based on a diagnosis of the impacts of our activities on each of the audiences, we chose eight material themes, allocated in the axes of the Aura 360 Culture mandala, represented by each of the three colors.

Click on the material topics on the side to find out more.

  • Workers' safety and health
  • Talent development and retention

  • Water and effluents
  • Management of geotechnical structures
  • Climate change
  • Communities (human rights)

  • Innovation for sustainability
  • Relationship with stakeholders
  • Business model and business' - ethical leadership


We participate in the UN Global Compact.
Do you know what it means?

The Global Compact is an initiative aimed at companies genuinely committed to sustainability. By adhering to it, we commit to integrating the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact into our daily activities:

Human Rights Principles

  1. Respect and protect human rights;
  2. Prevent human rights violations.

Labor Rights Principles

  1. Support freedom of association in the workplace;
  2. Abolish forced labor;
  3. Abolish child labor;
  4. Eliminate discrimination in the workplace.

Environmental Protection Principles

  1. Support a preventive approach to environmental challenges;
  2. Promote environmental responsibility;
  3. Encourage environmentally friendly technologies.

Anti-Corruption Principles

  1. Combat corruption in all its forms.


Since 1987, the World Gold Council has brought together gold mining companies from around the world committed to the responsibility and sustainability of the sector.

Aura is in compliance with the Responsible Gold Mining Principles (RGMPs) and the Conflict-Free Gold Standard (CFGS) of the World Gold Council.

The Responsible Gold Mining Principles were created to establish a clear and comprehensive framework of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices for gold mining. These principles aim to ensure that gold mining is conducted ethically, responsibly, and sustainably, aligned with the expectations of investors, communities, and other stakeholders.

Access the Charter

The Conflict-Free Gold Standard is a set of guidelines that establishes the necessary practices to ensure that gold is produced and traded responsibly, ethically, respecting human rights, and following international standards of transparency and accountability.

Access the Charter

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